Getting Along in the Workplace has Never Been More Challenging.

We help solve this problem with our transformational workshops and online courses.


"My leadership team and I went through two Near Bridge Courses. Both were well worth the investment! We walked away with valuable insights and skills that we can all utilize. Highly recommend the classes!"


Rita Essaian, MHA

Executive Administrator, Permanente Human Resources

"Workshop was a perfect blend of in-depth research on trends and storytelling with examples on outcomes and impacts, infused with energy, participant engagement and a sense of humor."



Michael Negron

President & CEO, NEGRON Consulting

"As a speaker, trainer and consultant, Ken is able to drive the message of leadership and engagement in a manner both understandable and “doable” by the attendees. If Ken is speaking or training, you want to be paying attention."


Bernie Nagle

Executive Director, PMPA: Precision Machined Products Association

"Ken is an inspiration and a life model for his wide range of interests and knowledge mastery of many fields along with his enthusiastic exploration of emerging technologies and trends. I always look forward to hearing advice from Ken, and highly recommend him as an adviser, speaker or business partner."

Ken Ketch

Founder, GroupMind Solutions

Getting Along in the Workplace has Never Been More Challenging.

Let us help solve this problem with our transformational online course.


Today's Workforce is the Most Diverse in History!

This diversity opens the door to so much conflict!

But also, so much opportunity.

Our 15+ years of research shows that the biggest diversity challenges in today’s workplace come from generational differences and the inability of organizations to effectively collaborate and lead across all diversity dimensions.

However, if you understand and leverage the gifts that diversity brings, it can become your organization’s biggest competitive advantage!

near bridge clients

Delighted Clients

We help our clients achieve this competitive advantage by helping them reduce generational conflict, improve collaboration, and develop leadership at all levels.

Hi, I’m Ken Beller

CEO of Near Bridge and ā€‹co-author of The Consistent Consumer and Great Peacemakers

After being a rocket scientist for NASA, and living and working in 20 countries managing global high tech businesses, I discovered technology is not the key to organizational success… people are!

After 15+ years researching generations, collaboration, and leadership—basically, how to help people get along better—I’ve discovered powerful insights that can transform workplaces.ā€‹

I love sharing these insights through my keynote speeches and workshops and can’t wait to share them with you!

ken beller near bridge

"A wealth of information presented in a dynamic, interactive way. Get ready to be engaged and informed!"

Aurora Realin

Manager, Florida Hospital

"Highly inspiring, eye-opening, information-rich seminar."

Glenn Leoung

President, Asian-American Chamber of Commerce

"Eye-opening and meaningful. An upbeat and positive delivery of material."

Lisa Barkley, MD

Assistant Dean, UCF College of Medicine

"One ‘Aha!’ moment after another."

Denise Thomson

Director, Workforce Development, Navy Region Northwest
the consisten consumer generational differences book

The Consistent Consumer

Predicting future behavior through lasting values
By Ken Beller, Steve Weiss, and Louis Patler

Examines the formative history and deep-seated core values that drive six distinct generations present in American society today.

"The advantage you’ll gain from reading The Consistent Consumer is knowledge of the future – because one of the best predictors of the future is the values we hold. This is one of the most important books on customers to come out in years." - JIM KOUZES - Coauthor, The Leadership Challengeā€‹ and President Emeritus, The Tom Peters Group

Great Peacemakers

True stories from around the world
By Ken Beller and Heather Chase

Tells the inspiring life stories of some of the most effective collaborative leaders of all time—Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., The Dalai Lama, and many more—revealing powerful principles for reducing conflict and leading change.

Winner of more than 30 Awards Endorsed by 3 Presidents and 3 Nobel Peace Prize Winnersā€‹!

great peacemakers book

Ken Brings Inspirational Insights to Life through Entertaining and Engaging Live Events and Online Training.


Reducing Generational Conflict Online Training

How can understanding generations help you?

The Reducing Generational Conflict course is our Generations at Work workshop offered online. It allows participants to watch the video lessons and complete the written exercises at their own pace.

The course is a flexible way of gaining our powerful generational knowledge for yourself, or sharing it widely throughout your organization conveniently and affordably.

Even if you are familiar with the traditional approach to generations, in this course you’ll discover a new, powerful approach to finally understanding and engaging people from all generations.


Live Events